Your suggested change has been received. Thank you.


Suggest A Change….


Branding the appearance

Customize email messages


Customize email messages

Please Note:

Customize email messages

You can customize the text and formatting of various e-mail messages that are sent by the Virtual Server. Messages that are sent in response to an alert can be sent by email, SMS, or both.

  1. On the SAS console, select Comms > Communications > Email Messages.


  2. Select Custom.


  3. Select an Email Message Type.

  4. Select the Format for the email message.

  5. To customize the Subject and Body of the message, use the email message tags.

  6. If required, customize the SMS Content that is sent.

    The SMS Content field is presented for messages that support sending messages by both email and SMS. SMS messages greater than 160 characters, including spaces, span multiple SMS messages.

    An SMS credit is consumed for each SMS alert message, unless the Virtual Server is configured to use an SMS gateway.

    The following events cause corresponding SMS messages to be sent:

  7. Select Apply.

Email message tags

Use the following tags to insert information from the Virtual Server into your message content. Many tags are available for only specific messages.

Tag Description


A line break that causes text following this tag to appear on a new line

<accountName />

Company name associated with the Virtual Server

<remaining />

The remaining, or unused, capacity in the Virtual Server

<total />

The total capacity allocated to the Virtual Server

<active />

Virtual Server service as set by the service provider (enabled or disabled)

<type />

Virtual Server service type (Virtual Service Provider, Subscriber, evaluation)

<daysLeft />

Day before the service stop date

<stepDate />

Service stop date as set by the service provider

<dateTime />

Timestamp of an event


First name of a user


Last name of a user

<reportName />

Name of a report

<name />

User ID 

<taskeID />

Provisioning task number generated by the Virtual Server

<count />

Number of users that did not complete self-enrollment before the provisioning task expired

<username />

A user’s UserID (User Detail)

<Uaddress />

Address (User Detail)

<Ucity />

City (User Detail)

<Uprovince />

State or province (User Detail)

<Upostal />

Postal or zip code (User Detail)

<Ucountry />

Country (User Detail)

<orgName />

Account name (Virtual Server)

<Oaddress />

Account address (Virtual Server)

<Oprovince />

Account state or province (Virtual Server)

<Opostal />

Account postal or zip code (Virtual Server)

<Ocountry />

Account country (Virtual Server)

<capLeft />

Remaining Virtual Server license capacity

<capTotal />

Total license capacity for the Virtual Server

<expiryDate />

Server license expiration date

<expiryTime />

Days remaining before license expires

<capLeft />

Service capacity remaining

<capTotal />

Service capacity total

<tokenList />

Serial numbers of tokens that are no longer associated with users

<freeSpace />

Disk space remaining


Total disk space

<percentageFree />

Percentage of available space versus total disk size

<consoleLink />

Unique URL for validating the operator and logging on to the SAS console

<username />

Unique userID used by the operator to log on to the SAS console


The time when a user account will automatically unlock

<organization />

Account to which a user belongs

<state />

Operator account status (active, pending, suspended)

<remaining />

Quantity of SMS credits in inventory for the Virtual Server

<selfEnrollURL />

Unique URL sent to the user for self-enrollment

<addList />

List of users added by synchronization with an external user data source

<ignoreList />

Total number of users not updated during synchronization because these users already exist in the Virtual Server

<updateList />

Total number of users removed by synchronization, because the users no longer exist in the external data source

<removeList />

List of users who were removed by synchronization because the users no longer exist in the external data source

<totalMarkforRemoval />

Total number of users who were not found in the external data source during synchronization. These users are removed from the Virtual Server after 24 hours have elapsed.

<markedList />

List of users who were not found in the external data source during synchronization. These users are removed from the Virtual Server after 24 hours have elapsed.

<tokenType />

Type of token. You can add this optional tag to the self-enrollment email message.

The email recipient can use the token type to look up token-specific information. In the email, the <tokenType/> tag is replaced with the specific token type.

<time />

Date and time of the request by a user to be issued a token

<oldState />

State of the token (such as assigned, active, and so on) when the token was assigned to the user

<newState />

State a token is moved to by the Virtual Server when the user to which it was assigned can no longer be found

<serial />

Serial number of a token

<remaining />

Quantity of a token type remaining in inventory

<total />

Total quantity of tokens registered in the Virtual Server

<failAttempts />

The number of consecutive failed logon attempts

Email message types

You can customize the following email message types:

Account Capacity

Type SP Alert
Event Sent when the Virtual Server capacity falls below the configured event threshold.
Subject <productName /> Account Capacity
Body The account <accountName /> is approaching their capacity with <remaining /> remaining of <total /> allocated to them
SMS Content Account <accountName /> approaching capacity. <remaining />/<total /> left

Account Removed

Type SP Alert
Event Sent when an account (Virtual Server) is removed
Subject <productName /> Account Removed
Body The account <accountName /> has been removed by <operator />
SMS Content Account <accountName /> removed by <operator />

Account Status Change

Type SP Alert
Event Sent when a Virtual Server account is enabled or disabled
Subject <productName /> Account Status Change
Body The account <accountName /> has changed to an <active /> <type />
SMS Content Account <accountName /> changed to an <active /> <type />

Account Stop Date

Type SP Alert
Event Sent X days in advance of the service stop date
Subject <productName /> Account Stop Date
Body The account <accountName /> is approaching their stop date. There are <daysLeft /> day(s) till the stop date on <stopDate />
SMS Content <daysLeft /> day(s) till stop on <stopDate /> for account <accountName />

Active Evaluation Stop Date

Type SP Alert
Event Sent X days in advance of the service stop date for evaluation accounts
Subject <productName /> Evaluation Stop Date
Body The account <accountName /> is approaching their evaluation stop date. There are <daysLeft /> day(s) till the stop date on <stopDate />
SMS Content <daysLeft /> day(s) till stop on <stopDate /> for eval account <accountName />

Auth Node Changes

Type SP Alert
Event Sent if an element of the service is downgraded or unavailable.
Subject <productName /> Auth Node Changes
Body The Auth Node <nodeName /> in account <accountName /> was <action /> by <changedBy />
SMS Content Auth Node <nodeName /> in <accountName /> <action /> by <changedBy />

Auth Service Down

Type SP Alert
Event Sent if an element of the service is downgraded or unavailable
Subject <productName /> Authentication Service Error
Body This message is to report that the <productName /> authentication service was found to be unresponsive at <dateTime />, during a scheduled check of the service
SMS Content <productName /> down at <dateTime />

BlackBerry PIN




Sent to Users receiving BlackBerry token by email. First of two messages.


<productName /> Auth Node Changes


<firstName /> <lastName />:

This e-mail will assist you in the installation and activation of your new SafeNet token into your Blackberry. Step one is to install the Token Authenticator and Token Attachment handler application on your BlackBerry. Step two is the installation and activation of the actual token.  Please make note of the PIN below, as it is required to activate your token.

To install the Token Authenticator "Over-the-Air", browse to the URL below with your BlackBerry.  If the application is installed via Desktop Manager (USB) or Blackberry Enterprise Server, this step is not necessary.  Again, please make note of your token activation PIN.  Your token will be issued to you shortly.

<blackberryURL />

Your token activation PIN is: <tokenPIN />

SMS Content


Completed Report




Sent to recipients receiving reports by email


<productName /> Report Results


<accountName />

Results of the report <reportName /> are attached.

SMS Content


Enrollment Lockout




Sent when a user exceeds the maximum number of attempts to self-enroll.


Enrollment Lockout


<accountName />,

The user <name /> has been locked out of self-enrollment at <dateTime /> because there have been too many failed attempts to enroll.

SMS Content

User <name /> has been locked out of self-enrollment

Enrollment Out of Band




Sent when a user during enrollment of a token provisioned using a shipping authority.


Enrollment Validation


This email is to validate an ongoing enrollment attempt.

Your validation code is <code />.

If you are not in the process of enrolling a token, this e-mail can be ignored.

SMS Content

Your enrollment validation code is <code />.

Expired Reservation


Sent when a provisioning task expires before all users in the task have completed self-enrollment.


<productName /> Reservation is Expired


Provisioning task <taskID /> has expired in account <accountName /> with <count /> users still pending enrollment.

They will no longer be able to complete enrollment.

SMS Content

Reservation expired for user <userName />

Hardware Assignment Notification




Sent when manually assigning a hardware token.


<productName /> Token Assignment Notification


A hardware token has been assigned


<firstName /> <lastName />: <userName />


<Uaddress />

<Ucity />

<Uprovince />

<Upostal />

<Ucountry />


In company:

<orgName />


<Oaddress />

<Ocity />

<Oprovince />

<Opostal />

<Ocountry />

SMS Content


Hardware Provisioning Notification




Sent when auto-provisioning a hardware token.


<productName /> Token Provisioning Notification


A hardware token has been provisioned


<firstName /> <lastName />: <userName />


<Uaddress />

<Ucity />

<Uprovince />

<Upostal />

<Ucountry />


In company:

<orgName />


<Oaddress />

<Ocity />

<Oprovince />

<Opostal />

<Ocountry />

SMS Content


License Expiry




Sent X days before license expires.


<productName /> License Expiry Warning


This message is a warning that your <productName /> system is nearing its license expiry.

Your license expires on <expiryDate />.

You have <expiryTime /> day(s) left before <productName /> shuts down.

SMS Content

License expiry warning: Your license expires on <expiryDate />

License Accounts

Type Alert
Event Sent when remaining account capacity falls below minimum threshold.
Subject <productName /> License Capacity Warning
Body This message is a warning that your <productName /> system is nearing its maximum account capacity.
SMS Content  

List of Token Users Not Found




Lists tokens no longer associated with users caused when users are removed from external user source before revoking token.


List of <productName /> Token Users Not Found


The following list contains tokens that have had their state set to <newState /> because the users they were assigned to can no longer be found by SAS.

<tokenList />

SMS Content

Tokens have been orphaned in SAS. Log in to see the details.

Low Disk Space




Sent when disk space falls below minimum threshold.


<productName /> Low Disk Space Warning


This message is to report that the free disk space on system drive <driveLetter /> is low.


Time of Report: <dateTime />

Free Space: <freeSpace /> bytes.

Disk Size: <diskSize /> bytes.

Percentage Free: <percentageFree />

SMS Content

Low disk space warning. <percentageFree />% free on <driveLetter />

Mail Test

Type Alert
Event Sent when testing email/SMTP settings.
Subject <productName /> E-mail Configuration Test
Body E-mail configuration is correct if you have received this message.
SMS Content SMS configuration is correct if you have received this message.

Operator E-mail Validation




Sent to user when promoted to Virtual Server Operator.


<productName /> Email Validation


To activate your Operator account in the <productName /> Authentication Manager you must logon by following the link and using the e-mail address indicated below:

Logon link: <consoleLink />

E-mail: <userName />

SMS Content

Welcome to <productName />. Logon at <consoleLink />

Operator Lockout Alert




Sent to an operator when a user account becomes locked. (Account Lockout/Unlock Policy)


<productName /> User Lockout Alert



The following user has been locked out of authentication access until <unlockTime />, following <failedAttempts /> consecutive failed logon attempts:

Name: <firstName /> <lastName />

Username: <userName />

Account: <organization />

SMS Content

Account <userName /> in organization <organization /> has been locked.

Operator Status Change




Sent when an operator’s status changes. (active, pending, suspended)


Operator Status Change



The following operator's state has been changed to <state />

User Account: <userName />

Account: <accountName />

SMS Content

<organization />: <userName />'s operator status changed to <state />

Operator Unlock Alert



The following user's authentication access has been unlocked:

Name: <firstName /> <lastName />

Username: <userName />

Account: <organization />

SMS Content

Account Unlock Alert: User: <userName /> Organization <organization />

Organization Capacity




Sent when Virtual Server capacity falls below threshold.


<productName /> Capacity


<accountName />

You are approaching your maximum capacity. <remaining /> left out of <total />

SMS Content

Approaching capacity: <remaining /> left of <total />

Organization SMS Credits




Sent when Virtual Server SMS credits falls below threshold.


<productName /> SMS Credits


<accountName />,

Your available SMS credits are getting low. You have <remaining /> left.

SMS Content

SMS Credits low. <remaining /> left

Provisioning Canceled

Event Self-enrollment instructions sent to users as part of a provisioning task.
Subject <productName /> Provisioning Canceled
Body <firstName /> <lastName />, your pending token provisioning has been canceled. The enrollment link you received in a previous email is no longer active.
SMS Content Your token provisioning has been canceled.

Push Notification Rejection Internal Operator Alert




Sent to the operator when a user rejects a push notification.


<productName /> Push Notification Rejection Alert


The user account <userid /> in organization <organization /> denied and reported a push notification:


Organization name: <organizationName />

Resource name: <resourceName />

Client IP address: <clientIP />

Location: <clientLocation />

SMS Content

Account <userid /> in <organizationName /> denied and reported a push notification.

Push Notification Rejection User Alert


<firstName /> <lastName />, this auto-send authentication request was denied from your <deviceOS /> <deviceType /> device, and reported to your administrator:

Organization name: <organizationName />

User ID: <userid />

Resource name: <resourceName />

Client IP address: <clientIP />

Location: <clientLocation />

SMS Content

Auto-send was denied from your <deviceOS /> <deviceType /> device.


You can use the optional <tokenType/> tag in this email message. The email recipient can use the token type to look up token-specific information.




Self-enrollment instructions sent to users as part of a provisioning task.

The self-enrollment email is sent when:

  • an administrator is created after installing SAS
  • a token is manually provisioned
  • tokens are auto-provisioned
  • a token is re-sent from a provisioning task, before the user completes provisioning
  • a user, who has been approved, requests a token through the self-service site

<productName /> Self-enrollment


<firstName /> <lastName />:

Your self-enrollment account has been created.

If you are enrolling a hardware token, and do not have your token yet, please contact your system administrator.

SMS Content

<productName /> Self Enrollment: Enroll at <selfEnrollURL />

Self Service Report Lost Token




Self-service Confirmation of Lost Token


<productName /> Self-enrollment


<firstName /> <lastName />:

Please click the following link to confirm your lost token report.

<url />

If the above link does not work, please copy and paste this url to your web browser.

Please confirm your lost token report within the next 10 minutes.

SMS Content

Please click the following link to confirm your lost token report. <url />. Please confirm your lost token report within the next 10 minutes.

Self Service Request Token




Sent when a user initiated token request is received from self-service.


Self-service Confirmation of Token Request


<firstName /> <lastName />:

Please click the following link to confirm that you requested a token.

<url />

If the above link does not work, please copy and paste this url to your web browser.

Please confirm your request within the next 10 minutes.

SMS Content

Please click the following link to confirm that you requested a token. <url />. Please confirm your request within the next 10 minutes.

Self Service Temp Password


<firstName /> <lastName />:

Your self-service temporary sign in password is: <password />

Please use this password to sign in within the next 10 minutes.

SMS Content

Your self-service temporary sign in password is: <password />. Please use this password to sign in within the next 10 minutes.

Service Notification

Type Alert
Event Sent when a service notification is enabled by a service provider and delivery method is email.
Subject <productName /> Service Notification
Body <productName /> Service Notification – contents of this message should be changed to reflect the notification.
SMS Content <productName /> Service Notification

SIM Service Failed

Type Alert
Event Sent when a SIM/OTA service is unable to provision a user.
Subject SIM Provisioning Failed
Body Task <taskID /> to MSISDN <MSISDN /> for user <userName /> has failed after <attempts /> attempt(s).
SMS Content <productName /> Service Notification

SIM Service Retry




Sent when a SIM/OTA service retries a provisioning task.


SIM Provisioning requires retry


Task <taskID /> to MSISDN <MSISDN /> for user <userName /> has not been completed after <attempts /> attempt(s).

It will be attempted <remaining /> more times.

SMS Content

Task <taskID /> for <userName />@<MSISDN /> has failed after <attempts /> attempt(s).

Sync Notification


Sent whenever an LDAP sync task updates the Virtual Server.


LDAP Sync notification


The following actions have been processed for <orgName />:

    The following <totalAdded /> new users have been added:

<addList />


    The following <totalUpdated /> existing users have been updated:

<updateList />

    The following <totalRemoved /> users have been removed:

<removeList />


    The following <totalMarkForRemoval /> users have been marked for deletion:

<markedList />

    They will continue to exist for 24 hours, during which period they have been marked as disabled.

    If this was a result of a misconfiguration, fixing the configuration will re-enable the users.

    Note: If you have deleted a user in LDAP, re-creating a new user with the same user name will NOT restore the existing user.

SMS Content

Task <taskID /> for <userName />@<MSISDN /> has failed after <attempts /> attempt(s).

Token Request Ack

Type Enrollment
Event Sent to user to acknowledge request to be issued a token.
Subject <productName /> Token Request Acknowledged
Body This message is to confirm that your request for a <tokenType /> token has been received as of <time />.
SMS Content Your request for a <productName /> token has been received.

Token Request Deny

Subject <productName /> Token Request Denied
Body This message is to inform you that your request for a <tokenType /> token has been denied.
SMS Content Your request for a <productName /> token has been denied.

Token User Not Found




Sent when token state is change when the user to which it was assigned is not found.


<productName /> Token User Not Found


The token <serial /> which was assigned to user <userName /> has been changed from state <oldState /> to <newState />

This has occurred because the user <userName /> can no longer be found by <productName /> .

SMS Content

Token <serial /> has been orphaned as user <userName /> cannot be found.

Token User Replaced




Sent when a User (UserID) with an assigned token is overwritten with an user from a different user source with an identical UserID. For example, a manually created userID is overwritten during LDAP synchronization which includes an identical UserID.


<productName /> Token User Replaced


The token <serial /> which was assigned to user <userName /> has been changed from state <oldState /> to <newState />

This has occurred because the user <userName /> has been overwritten by a new user <userName />.

SMS Content

Token <serial /> orphaned because user <userName /> was over written.

Token Request Approval 2



The following user has requested a token in <accountName />.

User:<userName />

First Name:<firstName />

Last Name:<lastName />

Email<email />

Token type requested: <typeRequested />

To approve this request click on this link: <approveURL />.

To reject this request click on this link: <rejectURL />.

This request can also be approved or rejected by logging into the <productName /> Manager.

SMS Content

Self-service token request <taskID />. Click URL or logon to approve or reject.

Token Request Issuer




Sent to issuing authorities when a token request has all necessary approvals.


<productName /> Self-service token request


The following user has requested a token in <accountName />.

User:<userName />

First Name:<firstName />

Last Name:<lastName />

Email<email />

Token type requested: <typeRequested />

To issue this request click on this link: <issueURL />.

This request can also be issued by logging into the <productName /> Manager.

SMS Content

Self-service token request <taskID />. Click the URL or logon to issue or reject.

Token Request Receipt




Sent to the requesting user to confirm receipt of the request from the self-service site.


<productName /> Token request receipt notification



<firstName /> <lastName />,

Your request for a token has been received and is awaiting approval.  Your request will be processed within the next <expireLength /> days.

SMS Content

Your request for a token has been received.

Token Request Shipper




Sent to the shipping authority once the token request has received the issuing authority approval (if enabled.)


<productName /> Self-service token request


The token for the following request needs to be shipped in <accountName />.

User:<userName />

First Name:<firstName />

Last Name:<lastName />

Email<email />

Token type requested: <typeRequested />

After the token required for this request has been shipped, the request can be marked as shipped by logging into the <productName /> Manager.

SMS Content

Self-service token request <taskID /> ready for shipping.

Token Request Validation


Token Request Validation


<P>Click on the link below or paste link into a browser to validate your token request.</P>

<P>Requests that are not validated with <Days /> are automatically rejected.</P>

<P>Validation URL: <URL /></P>

SMS Content

Go to <URL /> to validate token request.

Token Sub Capacity




Sent when remaining quantity of tokens in inventory falls below the minimum threshold.


<productName /> Token Capacity


<accountName />,

You are approaching your remaining capacity available to you. <remaining /> left out of <total />

SMS Content

Approaching capacity: <remaining /> left of <total />

User Lockout Alert




Sent to user when their account becomes locked due to excessive failed consecutive logon attempts


<productName /> User Lockout Alert


<accountName />,

You are approaching your remaining capacity available to you. <remaining /> left out of <total /<firstName /> <lastName />, you have been locked out of authentication access until <unlockTime />, following <failedAttempts /> consecutive failed logon attempts.

SMS Content

Your <productName /> account has been locked until <unlockTime />

User Unlock Alert

Type Alert
Event Sent to user when their account becomes unlocked.
Subject <productName /> User Unlock Alert
Body <firstName /> <lastName />, you can again attempt to logon to the authentication service.
SMS Content Your <productName /> account has been unlocked.